天津科技 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (Z): 116-118.

• 科学与社会 • 上一篇    下一篇


孔文亮, 高相艳, 孙家兴   

  1. 北大港湿地自然保护区管理中心 天津 300280
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-20 出版日期:2023-12-06 发布日期:2023-12-27

Situation and Countermeasures on Environmental Protection in Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve

KONG Wenliang, GAO Xiangyan, SUN Jiaxing   

  1. Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve Management Center,Tianjin 300280,China
  • Received:2023-09-20 Online:2023-12-06 Published:2023-12-27

摘要: 随着北大港湿地自然保护区实施水环境改善、野生动植物保护恢复、栖息地联保联护等湿地生态环境保护项目,湿地生态功能稳定向好,但是湿地保护资金依赖政府投入,湿地生态利用价值和社会效益潜力还未得到释放。为此提出应培养专业人才,引入效益优良社会资本,合理地利用湿地生态资源,以实现北大港湿地自然保护区自然生态和环境保护的良性循环发展。

关键词: 北大港湿地自然保护区, 生态环境, 湿地保护修复, 生态产品

Abstract: Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve has implemented some wetland ecological environment protection projects,including water environment improvement,wildlife protection and restoration and habitat protection. The ecological function of wetlands is stable and improving. Wetland protection funds rely on government investment. The ecological utilization value and social benefits potential of wetlands have not yet been released. In order to achieve a virtuous cycle of natural ecology and environmental protection in the Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve,it is necessary to cultivate professional talents,introduce cost-effective social capital and reasonably utilize wetland ecological resources.

Key words: Beidagang Wetland Nature Reserve, ecological environment, protection and restoration of wetlands, ecological product
