天津科技 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (Z): 1-3.

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窦道科, 赵仪琳, 王爱平, 王海超, 张华   

  1. 天津市滨海新区生态环境监测中心 天津 300457
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-20 出版日期:2023-12-06 发布日期:2023-12-27

Common Problems in Environmental Quality Reports and Strategies to Improve Writing Quality

DOU Daoke, ZHAO Yilin, WANG Aiping, WANG Haichao, ZHANG Hua   

  1. Binhai New Area Ecological Environment Monitoring Center,Tianjin 300457,China
  • Received:2023-09-20 Online:2023-12-06 Published:2023-12-27

摘要: 通过分析环境质量报告书撰写过程中存在的一些问题,如数据获取不畅、区域特色不足、与地区经济社会发展及产业变革联系不紧密等,有针对性地提出加强顶层设计、完成制度建设、打造环境数据库等建议。以滨海新区为例,通过充分调研、紧跟经济社会发展趋势、关注重大工程建设、优化环境质量综合分析、强化人员培训,可有效提升区内环境质量报告书编写质量。

关键词: 环境质量报告书, 区域特色, 环境数据库

Abstract: There are some problems in the process of writing environmental quality reports,such as poor data acquisition,insufficient regional characteristics,and lack of close connection with regional economic and social development and industrial transformation. Targeted suggestions are proposed to strengthen top-level design,complete institutional construction,and create environmental databases. Taking Binhai New Area as an example,by conducting thorough research,closely following economic and social development trends,paying attention to major engineering construction,optimizing comprehensive analysis of environmental quality,and strengthening personnel training,the quality of environmental quality report writing can be effectively improved.

Key words: environmental quality reports, regional characteristics, environmental database
